Sunday, April 10, 2011

If I had it to do all over again

That last few posts got me thinking. And when I was dropping videos back off to Redbox the other night, I saw this cute little girl waiting for her Dad to get his video. She reminded me of my girls when they were tiny and little. I thought to myself, with the perspective I have now, I would tell that Dad to enjoy her while she is young. Everyone says that, I know. But when I look at that little girl, I look at the 7 year old she will become, at the 14 year old she will be, and on to the women she will become. But when you're in the midst of it all, you can't imagine what that might be like since you've never been there before. All you see is the demanding little 2 year old. Cute...but demanding.

So, here's what I would do differently if I had it to do all over again:

#1 Practice mindfulness-live in the moment, be aware and appreciate all that I have.
#2 Along those lines, record those moments, in a journal, through photos, and VIDEO. How I wish I had video of these little girls running around. That won't be a problem these days for people, since technology has come pretty far, and is pretty much affordable for anyone.
#3 Be happy...happier, happier, happier.
#4 Appreciate myself for who I am, my body, my personality, everything.
#5 Dedicate more of myself to my husband instead of the kids.

That's all I've got right now. What about you? What would you do differently?

(By the way, bravo for me with the photo above. I just figured out how to do a collage in picasa)

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