Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Right now...

Outside my window: It’s trying to be sunny

I am listening to: Zane breathing while playing on the ipod

I am watching: Math tutor videos required for my Math class

I am thinking: Stop… eating… the… peanuts…

I am grateful for: a simplified life

I am reading: Little Bee, Sam Saboura’s Real Style, and The Princess Bride

I am photographing: Last thing I photographed was my kids in apple costumes, if I can find my camera bag with the memory card reader I could share them.

I am listing: books and cd’s I want to check out of the library

I am creating: Well, I do have a few projects for my bedroom in the works, a giant poster with quotes, and a multiphoto picture frame I want to put pictures of Ken and I in.

On my iPod: Recently downloaded JessieJ’s new cd, and subscribed to a new podcast called Mormon Stories, just listened to Carol Tuttle’s podcast today on identifying your children’s personality types.

I am hoping and praying: for a nice easy going summer, with financial stability approaching.

Around the house: Lots of little messes that need cleaned up. I actually realized the other day that my life would be pretty perfect if my house were just clean. (life long desire: get a maid)

From the kitchen: Made cookies the other day for the kids even though I wouldn’t be eating them. Ate leftover chicken and mushroom for lunch, don’t know what’s for dinner, so don’t ask.

One of my favorite things: Sunshine

The children this week: Back to school after a week off for Spring Break.

Plans for the week: Go to French class, finish Math tests, study for finals, carpool, read the books I checked out of the library, clean? finish projects? Enjoy time with the family…. Ah, just bought tickets to go to a comedy club Friday night, oh yeah! And see Kirk Richards Mother/Daughter art exhibit Saturday.

On this date: last year I have no idea what I was doing….working with JetBlue, finishing finals…probably

( idea taken from some blog I read....)

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