Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ways to show I love you...

So, here were some fun ideas too...

1. Leave messages to each other on the bathroom mirror with dry erase markers. (I just bought ourselves a new package)

2. Buy glow in the dark chalk to leave a message on your bedroom wall, the bigger and fatter your drawing the better you will be able to see it, only lasts one hr after exposure to light and easy to wash off.

3. A little note box that you add to daily titled, "Today I love you because"….the answers can be funny, serious, or reflect the mood of the day (you could make this a journal too)

4. What's your signature? It could be something like leaving Hershey’s kisses where your spouse can find them, or something else like heart stickers or scripture cards which you leave in special places when you want to say I love you.

5. Blow up a balloon, write a message with permanent marker, let it set a few minutes then deflate it and send it in a card. (you could use this for birthday greetings too)

6. While he's sleeping, put lipstick on and kiss all over his face so when he wakes up he gets a good laugh when he looks in the mirror.

7. Have a new kiss of the week. Each time you kiss you are showing your love and appreciation. It can be on the neck, hand, arm, forehead. Just do it for a week, then change up to a new place each week.

8. Queen for a day-there used to be a tv show where they took a woman out and treated her like a Queen for the day, do that for your spouse. Arrange a clear schedule ahead of time and surprise them. It doesn’t have to be expensive, just make them feel loved and not have to do all their regular chores since the family is taking care of that, that’s the key…have everything taken care of so she doesn’t have to do it. (This one's my FAVORITE, lol)

9. Purchase the 365 day calendars when they go on sale and personalize it by adding in little events like the first time you kissed, etc. Or you could each day write a message such as 365 reasons you love them, 365 memorable things you’ve done in the past, or 365 things you want to do your remaining days on Earth together.

Date ideas:

1. Instead of Valentines day, celebrate other unknown holidays. For example on National Lumberjack day you can go to IHOP and eat pancakes….the ideas for this are endless. I actually just found these cool websites: or

2. Create a cultural calendar, there are many free events and there’s always something going on somewhere. Get on museums and concert promoters mailing lists, look at the weekly entertainment pages and upcoming events in the local section of the newspaper. You’ll always have your choice of a wide variety of things to do. Maybe your community already has an online website where someone has already done all the work for you, check it out and see.

There you about you? any ideas to share?

1 comment:

Marie said...

Love these ideas! Thanks Clarice :) I'm going to send Mikie the link so HE can do it. Hahaha!