Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just took the Christmas tree down today!

We usually have it down around the 1st. Don't ask me why we didn't take it down earlier. Probably the same reason I am just getting around to sharing our Christmas pictures now.

First off, here's pictures from our house 17 days before Christmas....

Yep, those are the stockings on Kalel's feet.

Then, where'd Mary go from the Nativity set?

Ah, here she is! Minus a hand! Don't even get me started on how the shepherd lost his head! I tried to glue it back together, but it just came off a few days later.

The kids saw Santa at Grandma and Grandpa's Ward Party we showed up to help out at!

Then Tasha had a Utah birthday:

And a Tahoe birthday, she's 10 now!

Speaking of Tahoe, this is the house we got to stay in, lucky us! It's all about who you know ;)

And you could see the lake from the kitchen window, see that peeking behind the trees!

Then they got a California Christmas and they recieved their dream gift of a Nintendo Wii after many blessings came our way:

Then SURPRISE! Santa visited them in Utah too! Again, after many blessings came our way!

So, you can see how it's been a busy month, and I'm still feeling like I'm getting caught up on everything, all the back to school stuff, my new work schedule, and Ken balancing 3 jobs. Lots of New Beginnings for us this year!

Hope your New Year is just as blessed! Thank you to everyone who became a part of our lives last year, may we continue to have many more memories together!


Sarah said...

Why do kids always manage to put the stocking on before you can put them up?

Jenn said...

NO WAY. You took your tree down? I was going to try to get mine down before you. Just the other day Landon was buggin me about it and I told him you guys still had yours up. Now what is going to be my excuse? I had to laugh about the shepard loosing his head because the nativity that was around when I was growing up had the same problem. Maybe those shephards need to do some neck exercises. And where did you find Snorta? I've been looking for that.

lance, miss, my, & finn said...

it took us awhile to get christmas down too! how fun to get more than one birthday!:) I love cupcakes!

Devri said...

WE moved, so it was like the day after Christmas for us this year..

I love the stockin' photo..

Rachel said...

Most of my Christmas stuff is still's just one of those years......where I am prepared for Christmas this year! Bet everyone wishes they were as organized as me! :D