Saturday, December 24, 2011

Festival of Trees 2011

Going to the Festival of Trees each year, has been a great tradition. The only thing I find is I end up taking LESS and LESS pictures as a lot of the stuff isn't so NEW to me anymore, so here I will post some of the more unusual stuff we saw

A happy birthday tree? That works, I guess, it's Jesus birthday right?

A Neon Trees tree, awesome.

This I just liked because of the whole Apple Farm thing.

My kids were intrigued why there was an Indian/Native American on top of the White house. Hmmm, what was the message they were trying to send?

My favorite part of the night was going to pick up Kens car and finding this light coat of snow to which the kids took their artistic/.linguist skills to

Applegates Rock!

Yes, that says chicken butt. We have a joke going around when someone asks what's up, one would reply chicken butt, I guess because it rhymes? Ask Ken, I think he's the one that started it.



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