Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Eve/Day

We always act out the nativity scene. Guess what Vivian is? An angel of course

 Let's see, Natasha is the donkey that Maeva is then riding on. Kalel was Joseph, Zane there in the brown shirt in the front is a camel, and Tane is his wise man. Keilani I think is a shepherdess???

The kids exchanged handmade white elephant gifts.

Grandma got them all the usual pj's plus some cute pillowcases
There was the cutest little note in there about how much their Grandma and Grandpa love them and even though they can't always see them, to look inside the pillow and look at the hearts to remind them they are loved each time they lay their heads down on their pillows.

Handstitched of course.
Me in all my glory.

and my baking skills, I made the crescent rolls this time.

My father requested there be Poisson Cru (raw fish) for dinner with our turkey.

Our tree full of gifts from aunts and uncles and family.

My handsome husband.

I love how the younger kids are, the easier they are to please with their gifts.

This was my favorite thing I made for Ken, it's a photo cube for him to take to work with each of the kids when they were babies and how they are now all grown up, this one's Natasha and Kalel

and Keilani and Vivian.

And Bugaboo!

Ken and his daddy love. I 'm not done with this gift, I need to trim the pages down, add their names and some sort of quote. Family is what matters in the long run, isn't it?
 I hope your family had a Merry Christmas too! and a Happy New Year to everyone!


Adhis said...

About the photo cube:
Naah, just trim the photos down and send it on its way to work!

Messy Jess said...

You made cresent rolls! Hurray! Love the pic of Grandma and Grandpa! Missing your family...really need to come visit you! Love ya!