Sunday, October 31, 2010


Trunk or Treat at the Church:

Before trick or treating fun at Nancy's house: That's a pudding graveyard with cookie tombs and pretzel sticks, edible fun!

I had Stitch, so I had to get Vivian to dress up as Lilo:

Keilani was Bob Marley:

Vivian came up with a gypsy costume on her own, very stylish:

Ken when he come home from a Halloween Father/Daughter activity with the girls, look what they did to him:(those are trash bags he's wearing)

Even scarier, look what they did to Natasha:

My favorite costume of the year, Stitch, for my little destroyer:

Kalel as a race car driver:

Trick or treating with the cousins:

And the best part, the candy stash:

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