Sunday, August 08, 2010

If it makes you happy...

So I just picked up this book from my coffee table, where I thought if I put it there, it would make me pick it up and read it.

Life Is a Verb: 37 Days to Wake Up, Be Mindful, and Live Intentionally

But usually when I sit down there, I already have a book in hand, or a laptop, lol.

Well, out stumbled this little paper that I had written on. Each chapter has an exercise, and this one was to write in freehand, without letting your pen lift off from the paper, all the things that give you joy. For 3 minutes. This is what I had come up with, hmmm, probably a year ago....

What brings me joy...

Ocean waves
Clean houses
Ken next to me
Looking at beauty in homes
Architectural Digest, etc.
The Color Red
Yard Sales
Time Together
Movies that are good
Soul Searching
Or Having Enough
Not to Have to Worry
Connecting with Others
Discovering my Potential
Other Mothers
Fresh Air
Food that Fills you up
Family Gatherings
Past Memories
Moments of Grace
A good book....

So what about you, what brings you JOY? The next question the author asks is, What prevents you from having that JOY? Can you think of some things that prevent us from having joy?


Sarah said...

I like that exercise. I think I'm going to try it after I'm done commenting. As for what keeps me from feeling joy, I think that list would consist of one name, over and over.

Adhis said...

Shoot, Sarah, I had no idea you felt that way about me!

BTW, how come I haven't seen you in a billion years??

Adhis said...

Oh, wait.

I'm gonna take a nap now.

Amannda Ashby said...

I can not tell you how much joy I felt by your email. I was exctied to go for something new, but I think the simple fact that you had thought about me, and followed through to let me know. That really made my day. I did get the job. It is very exciting for me simply becuase it is something that I have always wanted to do. I don't know how well Bonnie will do infront of people and an camera, but we will find out tomorrow. Thanks for bringing a bit a joy into my life, and more than anything for just thinking of me.