Monday, August 10, 2009

Wishing I were somehow here again..

Well, one fun thing this summer was I got to go to Connecticut to help this family move:

My brother and his wife...I had to fly out with my parents to get them on the flights....

I got to take my parents here for their first time , to NYC to see the Statue of Liberty:

And even better, this time I got to go here:

To Ellis Island! I didn't do that last time i was there.

Where one of the first things I saw was this trunk:

Which I WANT for myself, isn't that pattern gorgeous?
They had a display of all the luggage people used back then...and pictures like this, of those that just carried their belongings:

They had cool displays like this one:

and interactive exhibits like this one:

This is a map of all the Polynesians in the country according to Census records, you can put in any ethnicity, and the map will pull up the numbers, pretty cool!

And their upstairs photo gallery was one of my FAVORITE parts......

I loved the picture of this girl, sort of reminds me of myself with those eyes....

I loved hearing the stories of WHY these people chose to come to America:

what they wore:

and what they brought with them:

My favorite view through a window of NYC

But we really came for Connecticut, land of the beaches!

I love that when you come here, you run into random things like people fishing:

And car shows, AT THE BEACH! LOL!

And it was all worth it for this ONE picture!

Now, if only I could just go back again! But with back to school stuff happening, it's not going to happen, maybe October...... :)


Rachel said...

I really like that last photo! It's a good one!

Lyns said...

I loved that post! Great pictures! By the way, I loved your post before this too about your kids. It cracked me up.

Kat said...

Looks like you and your family are having fun. And I love the way all of your kids are piled in front of the computers. Caden is always in front of the Wii. I have had to seriously cut down the time he spends inside. I loved the wedding gown pictures though. :) They were cute. Was Keilani taking the pics? :)