Thursday, August 20, 2009

They're all gone!!!

I just saw my daughters out the door...their first day of school...

It's been a REALLY hard few weeks, trying to get them all registered in their schools down here. I have 2 kids going to a charter school, and 2 going to the regular public school. See, the schools didn't open until August for me to even do anything. Then, dealing with all the paperwork at 2 different schools, uniform shopping, school clothes shopping, supply shopping, 2 different Back to School nights and 3 different 1st day of schools. Oh yeah, and remember I wanted to go back to school too! So, I've been trying to get myself registered in time too!

Keilani had her first day Monday and had to wear her full dress uniform, she totally loves it! NOT! Oh well, this was her choice, lol!

Then, let me tell you about Kalel and Kindergarten:

His first day was yesterday, I thought the carpool was picking him up, but I misunderstood, and she thought we'd both want to take our own kids to school that day. Anyways, so I'm rushing to get the last minute things done. I'm supposed to do a tracing of my hand, and write a note inside the hand to him. I didn't have time to do that before (hmmmm, maybe because I worked until 4 am the night before, and then back up again at 9 am to work). I realize I forgot to fill out his pink sheet with all the info, and I' m worried that she's going to be here any minute, and I still needed to take a picture of him too! Ken's gone, so I'm trying to do this all myself.

So, she doesn't come....he's now late for his first day of Kindergarten! I rush into the car to take him, now keep in mind, I've already had a taxing week (make it month), and the tears start to form as I am driving to drop him off. I was just completely drained. I kept myself together while I dropped him off..then I gave myself permission to cry. But, I didn't, I started driving aimlessly around, willing myself not to break down again. I still needed to go to the girls school to get their school lunches taken care of, then Ken had to go get one more uniform skirt for Keilani, and I still had to take the girls shopping for their back to school outfits.

Here's what they chose:

Really glad that tomorrow is Friday! This week has been one of the most trying times for our relationship as Ken had to focus on work, and I got to do everything else, which I feel, I didn't handle too well alone. (The house has been a mess for a week, and I just never got caught up) Thankfully we can plan better in the future, the juggling of household responsibilities so I don't end up close to a nervous breakdown again. At least all that back to school shopping is done!

Ah, poor Zane, left all alone with me, time to potty train him, lol!


Kat said...

Oh my goodness! Sounds like you have just had a week. Sorry. :( I hope it gets better for you. Keilani looks like she is just so excited to be wearing that uniform. LOL I hope she likes her school.

Adhis said...

I actually think you did pretty awesome! They all got to school and with clothes on!

Lyns said...

Sad! Poor Zane. :) (Good luck with the potty training) This past two weeks has been one of the hardest on me too, but for different reasons. You survived though momma!

Rachel said...

Mine didn't even get back to school photos taken or new I'd say you did pretty darn good mum!

Marie M. said...

Clarice, I remember my mum being completely lost, excited, and exhausted when back to school started.
She wanted us to feel excited about school and was always doing her best, we could tell how hard she was trying, and we learned to make compromises, and wear the handmedowns and have the same uncool backpack for years. All of us turned out to be educated and happy to keep learning....Just keep swimmin'

Cindy said...

Whoa Nelly!!!!