Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What happens when children are unattended...

First let's give a little short history. Zane has been obsessed with bandaids ever since he got a cut on his toes, and we had to put bandaids on them to heal it. My boys are wimps, and at the first sign of blood, want a bandaid.

So, either I was working or I was sitting at the computer trying to get off work. Regardless, I walk out the door to this:

Why is Zane trying to hide from me?

Ah ha, maybe it's because he's been busy doing THIS to the bandaids?

And yes, I had to buy a new box of bandaids after that!

Then....I look into his room...

Okay, toys dumped out of the box, nothing new, this happens everyday

But not this one:

Luckily Vivian seized the day and turned a mess into something funny:

We're a waste not, want not family here. So, Ken made Zane pick them all up, put them in a bag, and Ken will make use of them. Not that way, silly! They are sitting at his side of the bed. Who needs a tissue box to blow their nose, when they have a bag of toilet paper next to the bed. Yes, only Ken would do that!

Have we mentioned to you before how he gained 50 lbs when he came to the USA, because he couldn't bear to see anyone waste their food and had to clean off their plates. And I guess the giant refills of soda POP he used to get contributed to that as well, lol! Regardless, he can't let anything go to waste! Even toilet paper!

As for Zane, don't even ask how we can keep him under control. This is what happens when he's INSIDE the house. When he "escapes" outside, it's even worse, he'll take off down the street and not come back. We're contemplating a chain link lock on the door, but even that wouldn't hinder him. He'd just grab a chair and go out the door. Maybe a door alarm would scare him? Nope, didn't think so either. Suggestions?


Jenn said...

First of all I thought the first picture was of a box of tampons. As for reusing the toilet paper I'm sure Landon would do the same thing. Want to take a guess on how long his birthday cake it going to take him to eat?

Adhis said...

Haha, Jenn! I just remembered that it takes him a week or 5 to eat a bag of M&Ms!

Clarice, what WOULD Ken do if Zane had opened up a box of tampons instead?? I guess it would be a clever way to stop a runny nose.

Amannda Ashby said...

Clarice, Good luck! I had a friend in Idaho with a couple of those boys that you simply could NOT keep them inside. I honestl don't know what you do. When the child has decided they want to do something it is very challenging to stop them. When she put a chain on the door some how they got out the window. All I can say is GOOD LUCK!

At least you have Ken and your girls to help lighten the challenges!

Melissa said...

Oh, this sounds SO much like Hyrum (the escaping anyway). He used to go out the door and RUN down the street. I just had to watch him like a hawk and we always keep the door bolted... that at least slowed him down a little and I could hear a chair being moved. It is a scary thing to have a child with so little fear like that. Hyrum is usually much better now that he's older. He did wander away from his class after school one time when Kara was picking the boys up and they couldn't find him for 10 minutes or so. I think it's a curiosity thing. Good luck figuring something out!

Jackie said...

We had to put a deadbolt at the TOP of our door. Other than that, you could try an alligator infested moat right outside just to scare him into staying in.

Kat said...

There are certain door locks that go on the top of the doors. They are relatively flat too. I don't know the name of them, but they work really good. My sister had to use them with her little boy. :) Good luck!

Marie M. said...

No idea...I'm constantly running after my children, and i lock the door too. Get a dog assigned to watch over Zane and bite his behind when he leaves the house?
Get a bell that rings every time someone walks on the door steps (like in stores)? Well I think you are condemned to a few more years of running after him...
I can't imagine a family reunion with all those curious boys monkeying around. We'll have fun.

Messy Jess said...

You just have to live through it unless you believe in duck tape - we've done everything from locks to alarms to fencing the yard in... just send the girls after him - muwhahahah! oh, and there's a blog award for you over at messy jess