Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I looked out the window and what did I see?

We've already confirmed that Zane is a Wild Child! Well, since we haven't done anything to the door lock yet, quite often I'll look to see where he is, and find him out here:

In the front yard by himself!

At least he is sitting and not running down the street!

On his way back inside:

Smiling, probably because he knows he got away with it YET again:

Grumpy that he had to come back inside:

Stay tuned for the next blog post: I climbed up the stairs and what did I see?


Marie M. said...

The photos say it all. I love when Teva is completely absorbed in his world of play and pretend. He has the same expression than Zane has here in the last picture : "mum, leave me alone"

islandgirl said...

That's where I've seen the face before, Marie! :)