So last year I created this post:
It was my word of the year I was going to work on, and that word was COMPLETE....
How'd it go? Alright? One of my goals was to get more out of my reading, and I've taken to writing notes about the books I've read, not being afraid to mark them up with my favorite passages, and writing in between the lines what I liked. I was also going to try to complete my projects, and that sort of went ok. The last thing I was going to do was to be complete in my relationships. I've been working on that too. But, in hindsight, I probably should have reminded myself of this goal a little bit more.
That's why this New Year, I am going to be hanging up a reminder to myself of my new word, and guess what it is? I asked Keilani to guess what it was, and I was surprised that she knew it right away. I guess she's around me a lot to know what matters to me, and it is CLEAN!!!!
I want the following in my life:
1. A CLEAN home
2. A CLEAN heart
3. A CLEAN spirit
4. A CLEAN body
5. A CLEAN mind
That encompasses a way of life, a pathway of making the right choices to keep my body clean, to keep my mind clean, my heart, and my home. To be doing the things to keep my spirit clean. When I say clean, I mean pure and not contaminated with the worlds junk that gets in all of us. Clean and pure.
So, does anyone have any good quotes for me to use to remember my goal? I plan on putting it up as a wall quote once I find the perfect one that embodies all of this. What about you, what one word would you use to describe your goals for the New Year?
My word is REST.
I have not done that nearly enough.
Googled and found a talk by Gordon B Hinckley. There were a few "clean" quotes in it.
1)“Cleanliness is next to godliness.”
2)“Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord” (D&C 133:5).
3) Be clean in body. Be clean in mind. Be clean in language. Be clean in dress and manner. (Gordon B Hinckley)
4) A clean mind expresses itself in language that is positive and uplifting and in deeds that bring happiness into the heart. (Gordon B Hinckley)
5) “Let all things be done in cleanliness before me” (D&C 42:41).
6) “Behold, your sins are forgiven you; you are clean before me; therefore, lift up your heads and rejoice” (D&C 110:5).
7) God bless us to walk with clean hands and pure hearts and be worthy of His smile of approbation. (Gordon B Hinckley) [emphasis by me, to shorten quote]
8) ... purify your hearts, and cleanse your hands and your feet before me, that I may make you clean... (D&C 88:74).
Good post, let a person big open horizon. I look forward to more updates and will be returning.Cheers!
Regards:- Sandeep Sharma
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