Monday, February 07, 2011

Sundays at our house

So, this is how Sunday nights usually transpire. Since there's no computer, wii, tv or internet playing the kids have to find ways to entertain themselves. They came upstairs to put on a show:

Why yes, that IS underwear on the boys head.

And blankets, scarves, whatever they could find:

Now imagine the beginnings of the song Kung Fu fighting as they all bow their heads:

And then start "fighting" as the song begins. (And yes, those are dresses the boys are wearing, may they forgive their sisters one day)

And me for posting this, lol. I couldn't help it, but that is us being REAL. Real Applegate that is...


Adhis said...

Now, THAT's real!

Messy Jess said...

Love it!

Kat said...

That is awesome!

Marie said...

We used to do this all the time when we were kids Clarice! :) I miss it. I can't wait to do it with my own kiddies too.