Sunday, February 20, 2011

What a man!

So, this is where I get to brag and show off my tall, dark and handsome husband. This last year he's gotten into the whole acting/modeling thing. It's had its ups and downs, but these photos are definitely one of the plus sides of being in the business. All photographs taken by professional photographers. Am I going to take the time to list each one? NO. So if they want to come hunt me down for posting a picture of my husband on my blog, let them.

Let's see where the future takes us with this one!

Oh yeah, he's also in this video, but most of you already know that:

Love you Ken!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Your own Personal Jesus

Some of you may know I have been on the quest for "My" picture of Jesus. Several friends and family have this one by Carl Bloch in their homes, which I like, but I have this tendency to not want to have the same picture as everyone else.

I really like the style and color in J. Kirk Richard's portraits:

But one day I walked into Seagull Book and found this painting, and even better yet, it was 75% off! It's by a local Utah artist named Benjamin McPherson, so this is THE ONE (so far) on my living room wall, until I find the next best picture. My kids think he's kid of scary, I say he's just PRAYING, good grief!

When I showed a friend this picture she said "Hey, that looks like some musician you posted on your facebook wall not too long ago" My reply, Oh, you mean this guy, Matisyahu?

So, yep, kind of funny, huh, how in my quest to find Christ, I find one that looks like one of my favorite musicians.

Also, just the other day I was at my mothers house and saw THIS picture of Jesus by Greg Olsen and I told her, I SWEAR, he looks exactly like the guy who leads the discussion in my Peace and Justice Studies study groups, EXACTLY!

So I guess, Jesus really is all around us? right :)

On a side note, this IS the next painting I want to get in my home, it's called, "The Tree of Life" by Uota Kazuto:

Nice, huh?

Monday, February 07, 2011

Sundays at our house

So, this is how Sunday nights usually transpire. Since there's no computer, wii, tv or internet playing the kids have to find ways to entertain themselves. They came upstairs to put on a show:

Why yes, that IS underwear on the boys head.

And blankets, scarves, whatever they could find:

Now imagine the beginnings of the song Kung Fu fighting as they all bow their heads:

And then start "fighting" as the song begins. (And yes, those are dresses the boys are wearing, may they forgive their sisters one day)

And me for posting this, lol. I couldn't help it, but that is us being REAL. Real Applegate that is...