Saturday, July 11, 2009

15 year high school reunions....

So, I had my 15 year high school reunion. It was supposed to be a dance, but we're all morons, and no one danced. Sorry, if I had some rhythm (had to look up how to spell that word, lol) I would have been up there dancing, but I don't. I wasn't worried about it all, until the day of, then I got nervous wondering why I should go.

This is the class I went to school with all through elementary, middle school and then Provo High School. I didn't get to graduate there, since my last year of school was when I went to the Phillippines and met Ken at the International School of Manila.

The part I found the funniest, is some people didn't recognize me. I mean, how many other Polynesian girls went there? Okay, a few, but I thought I would do a comparison and contrast to see how I've changed.

Here's me my freshman year:


Here's a picture I took that night when I got home, lol!

Apparently, the lack of bangs threw everyone off. It wouldn't be the extra hmmmm.....hmmmm pounds, would it? I also look whiter, apparently I don't get enough sun. And if I tried bangs now, how would I keep them from doing the frizz thing it did for me all through my teen years? Anyways, thoughts to ponder....


Rachel said...

But wait a minute! Your profile photo shows you with straight hair. When did you do that? How fun. A lot of work I bet but very fun.

Adhis said...

I think the bangs DO make a huge difference!

And yeah, when did you straighten your hair??