Thursday, December 11, 2008

I don't think I've shared these ones yet...

Tonight I was telling my neighbor Adhis how the hardest part about raising boys, is the way they seem to have pure joy in destroying things. Zane's favorite thing this week has been to reach his hand into our rice container in the pantry and listen to the sound of them as they fall from his hand to the floor. Kind of sounds like those rain sticks. Only this time I know I get to sweep the floor yet again! Last night I came home to it all over the stairs as well, looks like he took a cup of it upstairs with him while Dad was in charge!

Well, you haven't seen anything gets worse! They did this last summer!

Yep, that's the flour, and yep, the damage was already done by the time I arrived with the camera! Oh, and did I mention, Zane's shorts are supposed to be green, not white!!!


Adhis said...

My mouth dropped open when I saw these photos. I'm banning flour and rice from my house when BabyDhis turns one.

Rachel said...

Well wouldn't you know it? It must be in the air. I just took a picture of my two little ones doing the same thing a few days ago with baby powder in the bathroom!

You do have to love the looks on their faces.....

Sarah said...

Dale did the same thing with baby powder while we were at my sister's house. When my older sisters were toddlers they rubbed vaseline ALL OVER their bedroom floor, then poured baby powder on top of it. Fortunately the floor wasn't carpeted, but Mom says it was still a HUGE pain to clean up.

Marie M. said...

Clarice, I can't believe those pictures. It must have been hard not to laugh and discipline them on coming at the scene. Right now, Teva and Noa are into shredding toilet paper into a big pile that stays by the toilet (how convenient); finding the bread knife in the drawer, finding bread and trying to have a slice; throwing any content of any box on the floor. I don't know what to do anymore. I guess just wait until they don't find it fun anymore to destroy.