Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I know, yet another quiz!

I do have some "thoughtful" posts to post, but that takes more time! So, I'll get to those when I find that elusive "time" For now, I thought this was interesting, I think that is me, and I DO try to leave comments on people's blogs, but not enough. I still care for them though :)

Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate

You're a well liked, though underrated, blogger.

You have a heart of gold and are likely to blog for a cause.

You're a peaceful blogger - no drama for you!

A good listener and friend, you tend to leave thoughtful comments for others.


Adhis said...

OK- this was mine...
Your Blogging Type is Logical and Principled:

* You like to voice your well thought out opinions on your blog.
* And if someone doesn't like what you write, you really don't care!
* Serious and blunt, sometimes people take your blog the wrong way.
* But you're a true and loyal friend to those who truly get you.

It sounds like how I talk in real life... except I usually don't think out what I'm going to say before I say it!

Rachel said...

Funny, mine was the same as Adhis.

I think yours describes you pretty darn well. :o)

islandgirl said...

Yep, I'd say that fits the two of you, LOL! Glad I have you in my life to balance me out!

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

Here is what mine was:

Your Blogging Type is Artistic and Passionate

You see your blog as the ultimate personal expression - and work hard to make it great.
One moment you may be working on a new dramatic design for your blog...
And the next, you're passionately writing about your pet causes.
Your blog is very important - and you're careful about who you share it with.