So a friend of mine, Rachel, did a blog tag that I thought would be interesting to do. Just got around to filling in my answers. Feel free to do the same on your blog! Let me know if you do!
I am: a 32 year old mother of 5 children!
I know: that this church is true, just kidding....I don't "know". I have my doubts again, and that's a hard thing to deal with. If anyone has felt the same before, feel free to email me. I need to figure out what to do next, I've been avoiding it long enough. Whew, I didn't expect that one to come out of my mouth!
I want: to lose 50 pounds.
I have: no will power whatsoever to lose said 50 pounds.
I hate: when our house is messy.
I fear: car accidents.
I feel: kind of frustrated.
I crave: fresh baked crescent rolls, but afraid to make them or I'll eat too many again!
I search: for meaning in life.
I wonder: when my ship will sail in.
I regret: going to UVSC instead of BYU Hawaii.
I always: want my family to be safe, healthy and happy.
I believe: that there is good and evil in this world.
I can usually be found: cleaning, at the computer, reading, cooking, or working.
I wish: for Ken to obtain the perfect job.
I forget: words all the time. I'll jumble my words all the time and ask the kids to put their laundry in the trash and all kinds of mixed up sentences.
I am scared: of leaving behind my children if anything should happen to me.
I am happy about: Fall season. I love this time of the year!.
I tag: anyone who wants to do this!
and I'm adding one more of my own...
I miss: yard sales, going out to eat and shopping, none of which are in my current budget!
Dear Clarice
You need to get away from all of your responsibilities and spend some time rediscovering who you are. Deep down you will find the strength and focus that you need. Even if it is 2 hours a week - start there. If you don't take care of yourself you will wear out fast. You don't even need to start with your testimony. Just close your eyes and remember who you are and the different stages of life you have gone through. "Becoming is a process". Slow down. Look in the mirror and rejoice in the progress you have made. Despite the many roles you play - there is still you right in the middle of it all. I hope you understand what I mean. Love Ya. Jess
Hey Clarice. You are so fun and I love reading your blog. Maybe sometime we can hang out and get to know each other better. I have tagged you on my blog. Check it out and tag your own blog. Look forward to reading your tag.
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