So, lately my girls have been a little less grateful about their lives than they should be. They come home from school and complain that there are no snacks to eat, so that very day we buy them snacks and then they complain about what snacks we bought them. Oh no you didn't, LOL! After dealing with this particular type of whining for a whole week, I sat them all down and explained to them the problem we were having here. I asked them each to write a list of the things they are grateful for. The one with the most on their list, and the most interesting answers would win a prize (which was the rest of my box of Milk Duds, thank you Adhis, LOL) So the winner 9 year old!
Here is her list of over 100 items I just had to share for their humor:
Family, sisters, brothers, parents, Great Grandma, 3 Grandpas, aunts and uncles, garbage, grandparents, cousins, recyling, weather channel, home, cars, hobbies, animals, supplies for school, home and church, words, sky, a body, humans, teachers, grass, Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, principals, numbers, land, water, vice principals, food, tables, world, universe, gravity, blankets, pillows, beds, VCR's, girls, boys, school, church, stores, clothes, Heaven,chicken Dance, sports, gymnastics, daycare, closets, hangers, colors, careers, bathrooms, breakfast, redbox, toothbrushes, teeth, tamagochi's, jewelry, electronic devices, plants, garage doors, legs, furniture, molecules, bikes, rooms, desks, malls, windows, blinds, lunch, planets, space, aliens, night, movies, soda pop, dinner, math, social studies, dreams, prophets, presidents, decorations, holidays, directions, government, buffets, places, legislative branch, parks, games, restaurants, pool, executive branch, books, medicine, libraries, parties, judicial branch, neighbors, stepcousins, the word grateful, classmates, lightness, unusual stuff, steps, Holy Ghost, pioneers, wii, scriptures, oxygen, Netflix, history, arts and crafts.
And there you have it, a glimpse into the mind that makes Natasha, Natasha!!! I also explained to them that half the things on their lists, more than half the world doesn't have access to, I hope they get that! I try to make sure they understand that all the time, but I don't think they'll realize it fully until they visit another country where they see it firsthand. I know I didn't until I went to the Philippines, and that was when I was 17!
First off, that’s a beautiful photo!
Second, I’m impressed you recognized the reason for your kids complaining.
Third, that was neat of you to point out that half the stuff on the list is not even enjoyed by most of the inhabitants on this earth.
I’ve been praying a lot lately for help in eliminating the things in my life and house that aren’t needful. I’m still attached to some things, but I’ve also been surprised by what I’m ready to let go of.
Many people think I’m odd for some of my lifestyle choices, but I keep thinking about the things my relatives in Venezuela don’t have and about my one trip through some pretty desperate areas by Tijuana, Mexico. If more than half the world can go without any luxuries, then certainly I can go without SOME of them.
Cool post, Clarice.
You are such a great mom! Way to see the teaching moment. I'm going to have to remember this and us it next time my kids start to complain.
Clarice, I have tagged you. The rules are on my blog under the post "Tagged by an Angel."
Don't blame me; blame Heidi.
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