Monday, June 13, 2005

Flowers! Flowers!

Oh my! I am addicted to flowers now! I was so happy to find these at a yard sale. This lady was selling them for $1 a bunch, and so all of this was only $4.00! I love deals like this. Right now, they are in my scrapbook room, adding a little punch of color to the place!
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Saturday we got to go watch fireworks and go to Summerfest in Orem. The kids got to go on rides, but we got all rained out! That wasn't fun! My mother also threw a party for my girls. A "Tahitian Tea Party". She made the girls these dresses, and summer bags full of sunglasses, shells, bubbles, hair things, etc. What an amazing grandma they have! They made crafts, had a water balloon fight, etc. Here is a picture of them, with their baby cousin Maeva.
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1 comment:

Cynthia said...

How scrappable is that photo! Love it!