Monday, January 17, 2011

Church Notes

You know when kids pass notes to each other? This is what I found between Keilani and Natasha after church one day in December. Keilani starts out, Natasha's responses are in purple. This is what we deal with EVERY day. The girls and their little deals and the repercussions if one of them doesn't follow through.

Here goes:

OMG Vivian's annoying

NO WAY! You just noticed that?

:) Hey, can you help me today? Cuz I need to study for my Finals & write a paper & I want to interview you...So can you just pick up little stuff around my room & kinda organize/tidy please? I will give you 3 gum pieces!

No.That's not interviewing, plus I need to hang up all my clothes.

Please! I still have HOURS of homework to do, at least 3 hours or 4 hours & I need to interview later for a class I have.

Depends what the interview is

Just random questions & can you do my room too? Cuz like I said, I still have homework & I have to pack since I have finals & school for the next 2 days, you guys don't have school.

That's because we are awesomerest than you. And I have to pack too. And you can do your own room because it's not that messy as b4.

YOU don't have to pack til Mon or Tues because like I said YOU're home then.Do you know how important finals are? It's more important than any other tests or Homework. If you fail, you fail the whole entire class. You can't make it up. YOU don't have to deal w/it. In fact your life is almost carefree, your biggest worry is if you get grounded. I don't even have time for things like that.


WHY??? You don't have anything to do! AT ALL!


Really!? Good. I will give you 4 pieces of gum.

Friday, January 14, 2011

What I've done...

So, an extension of my last post. I don't know if it's because I'm reading this book right now: 

But I have definitely been simplifying my life, cutting back on time on the computer. I'm no longer addicted to Family Feud on Facebook. In fact I am no longer tied down to Facebook either. I'm missing what a lot of my friends are posting, but I'm living my OWN life more completely.

As I've said, I've cut back on my reading BIG time. I used to HAVE to read something every day. I'd go on vacation and have to pick up a book at the store or airport if I forgot one, I'd have to read a newspaper or magazine if I wasn't currently reading a book. Reading blogs online could count too. But NOW, for some reason, I just don't need to anymore. It's partly due to my new commitment to thoroughly understand and retain the information I read, it's no longer just a filler or escape from life, but an enhancer to the life I already live. The one that doesn't need to be tied to a computer or book anymore. Interesting, huh.

So, I read too much. I had over 350 books on my to read list. When friends used to tell me to cut back I always said, no way. I WANT to read all of these books. Well, now, I've decided if I don't think I'll love it, it goes. I have 50 books sitting here I plan to sell, and another 50 books I took off of my to read list at the library. That's over 100 or 1/3 of my books I just cut off of my to read list.

I'm going to post them here so I never forget. I vow to stop buying books at thrift stores or library sales just because they look good or I remember a friend had read it. It has to be a topic I love and know I will enjoy. I know some of these are good books, but if I'm not going to get to them sooner, let's just wait until later .

So here goes, I didn't bother with capitalization or authors, this is just a record.

keeping faith

down these mean streets

pillars of the earth

queen of your own life

when the heart waits

everything is illumunated

patriot hearts

size 12 is not fat

i am the messenger

the measure of a man

the tenth circle


i know this much is true

city of ashes
the travelers gift

words without borders

princess academy

the midwifes tale




nanny diaries



something borrowed

something blue

baby proof

love the one you're with

the probable future

and ladies of the club

shortcut in time

shades children

the secret family

if you come softly

the far side of evil

an enchantress from the stars

make lemonade

american chica

the boy on the bus

the door into summer

somewhere in time

woman on the edge of time


the x president

doomsday book


the last time they met

the namesake
i want to grow up

the magicians elephant

olive kitteridge

to say nothing of the dog

the testament of youth

windup girl

why gender matters

little giant of aberdeen county

the undomestic goddess

dreamers of the day

a mothers book of secrets


boy in striped pajamas

as the ward turns

inside my heart

life and death in shangai

why we buy

biggest elvis

english passengers


nickel and dimed

time for the stars 
the science of everyday life

flavor of the month

velocity of honey

how proust can change your life

hot flat and crowded

satellite sisters uncommon senses

writing your life 

open house

here on earth

reading lolita in tehran

our word is our weapon

empire falls

my life in france


we were the mulvaneys

vanishing acts

confessions ugly stepsister

hes just not that into you

the wonder of children

theres a spiritual solution to every problem

the prayer of jabez

for the love of god

handbook for the heart

handbook for the soul

simple abundance companion

family tree

knit two

more than you know

the heart is a lonely hunter

comfort food

belong to me

rv there yet

the girl who stopped swimming
hotel on the corner of bitter and sweet
winning with integrity

flowers for algernon

the hour i first believed

mr darcys daughters

the pursuit of wow

if minds had toes

how to be good

zero limits secret hawaiian system
christmas letters
dr kings refrigerator
That's all folks.

Monday, January 10, 2011

One of those stupid words...

Before the New Year was up I ran into one of Gretchen Rubin's posts on Facebook.The author of this book:

It was one of those, "Choose a word that represents you for the next year" posts. That one word then sets the tone for your New Year and the goals you want to achieve. Much easier than having a list of resolutions you may or may not keep, and then feel bad when you don't. She's not the first one to come up with the idea, but I like it.

My first thought was the word, HOPE. And I responded with that as my word. That's because I have a lot of HOPE that this year will be great. But after looking at the goals I want to accomplish this year, I changed my word to  COMPLETE. These are the 3 things I plan to do in my life this year relating to the word COMPLETE.

1. COMPLETE the projects I start. As I sit here right now I am looking at 5 picture frames in my front room that I have yet to put the pictures in. I have little projects like that all over that I start, and then lose momentum in finishing. It's a weakness of mine, but I'm working on it. So, FINISH things. Goal #1.

2. COMPLETEly understand the books I read. I normally tear through a book a week. I used books as my escape, as my entertainment, and not enough for my education. I wasn't retaining much of what I was reading. If you asked me what the main charcters names were, I probably couldn't tell you. I enjoyed the words, thoughts, ideas and stories, but I wasn't internalizing them enough to be able to have an intelligent conversation about it.

So this year, I will SLOW down on my reading, make notes in the books I read. Summarize thoughts, feelings and ideas as I come across them, sticky notes, notebooks, whatever it takes for me to REALLY appreciate a book. I want to REMEMBER more than just how I felt about the book.

This hasn't been going well for my reading so far though. I took a huge CS Lewis book on vacation with me, and I didn't read much because I thought I had to have a pen with me to write notes. So all the sudden book reading became really book studying. I lost the ability to just ENJOY it. At night I would look at a book on the nightstand and decide NOT to read it, because I don't feel like taking notes when what I really want to do is read myself into blissful sleep. So this will be a fine line I will have to face. Maybe I need to give myself permission to let go and just read for fun at least sometimes. Goal #2.

3. COMPLETE in my relationships. Not having to work has helped me invest more in my relationships with my family, especially with Ken. When I was being stretched too thin I had no time for anyone else, let alone myself. I plan to continue working on that, and becoming WHOLE in my relationships with those around me. Friends, family, strangers I meet. Never leave anything unfinished there either. Goal #3.

And that's it.

Wait, no it isn't. So, New Years Eve I asked the family to all choose a word they would like to focus on. Keilani's first response was SLEEP. Natasha's was CHOCOLATE and Vivian's was READ. Of course, their favorite things to do. I mentioned you have to have a goal around that, something positive. Vivian has now joined Goodreads so she can keep track of the books she has read. Don't ask me what the rest are going to do. Zane actually said something really profound like PRAY and Kalel, I'll have to come back and update you on that one when he's awake and I can ask him.

Ken, he just scoffed and said, "He doesn't do those things"  When I asked him why he said, "Because I make goals all year long, not just now." So yeah, this is one of those stupid word things in his book. But for me, it has helped me to keep focus and not forget. Like I said, easier to remember one word, then a bunch of goals. Try it, if you COULD pick one word, what would yours be?

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Books Part Two

Here's the books I've been reading since August of last year.

Star Rating System:
*Didn't like it
**It was ok
***Liked it
****Really liked it
*****It was amazing

August (of course, the month I DID NOT have school):

I am a Mother by Jane Clayson Johnson ***
If I stay by Gayle Forman **
Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel ***
The Tale of Desperaux by Kate DiCamillo *****
When you look like your passport photo, it's time to go home by Erma Bombeck ****
Cut by Patricia McCormick **

Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert ***
The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell *****
This world we live in by Susan Beth Pfeffer ***
Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland by Christopher Browning *
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly by Jean-Dominique Bauby ***
Survival in Auschwitz by Primo Levi ****

September: (still read a lot this month too):

Children of god by Mary Doria Russell *****
Dance with Them: 30 Stumbling Mothers Share Glimpses of Grace by Kathryn Lynard Soper *****
Dear Mom: Everything Your Teenage Daughter Wants You to Know But Will Never Tell You by Melody Carson ****
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins ***
The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender **
Etre the Cow by Sean Kenniff ****
The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Friedman ****
The Sunday Philosophy club by Alexander McCall Smith **
On being NonProfit by Peter Frumkin **


Freshman Orientation by Edward Sidlow ***
Managing the Nonprofit Organization by Peter Drucker ****
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin ***
Expect Nothing by Clarice Bryan **
Day After Night by Anita Diamant ****
The Facts Behind the Helsinki Roccamatios by Yann Martel *****
Pitching My Tent: On Marriage, Motherhood, Friendship, and Other Leaps of Faith by Anita Diamant *****
Food Rules: An Eaters Manual by Michael Pollan *****

November: (it's getting to be less, but ONLY good books):

French Women Don't Get Fat: The Secret of Eating for Pleasure by Mireille Guiliano ****
The Year of Living biblically by AJ Jacobs *****


Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri ****

Started, but not finished yet:

Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life
by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Small Wonder by Barbara Kingsolver
C. S. Lewis Signature Classics: Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, A Grief Observed, The Problem of Pain, Miracles, and The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis
Life Is a Verb: 37 Days to Wake Up, Be Mindful, and Live Intentionally by Patti Digh (At this rate I might be done with this one in 37 years, lol)

Coming up next, the post where I tell you WHY this year 2011 I am sure to only read 1/2 of what I've been reading in the past. 63 books read last year, so maybe my goal for the new year will be to do at least 30?