Friday, August 01, 2008

My Playlist and Mojitos!

Have you noticed, I changed the top song on my playlist? I never watch commercials, and the other day when I saw the Bacardi Mojito commercial, I had to laugh out loud. It was so clever. If you haven't seen it, there's a bunch of people dancing in a club, while the bartender is making a mojito. When he stops, all the dancing stops, and when he starts again, everyone dances again. I guess I just really love catchy beats. So I thought of what other commercials I love, and there's that Coke one with the girl on there's your next song, Starry Eyed Surprise, so scroll down and listen to that one next, there's only so much of the Mojito song one can take! I'll switch them around next time I post to save everyone's ears, LOL! I also added a few old favorites, like Rapper's Delight, and a few new favorites like Jason Mraz. Then, the other day I was in the mood for some Hawaiian music. Since I can't be in Hawaii, what better than to listen to what they are actually listening to on the radio over there, and I added a few of those songs to my playlist as well. Only 8 more songs left on my playlist, better be picky now!